
Orion Magazine | August 15, 2024

Injured Waters

What disability taught me about aquifers

A collage featuring fish, a courthouse, a hand exchanging money, and a megaphone on a red and beige background with a central basket filled with fish.
Vox | August 7, 2024

If the left is serious about saving democracy, there’s one more cause to add to the list (co-authored with Astra Taylor)

Animal rights must become a core issue for progressives.

Orion Magazine | Winter 2021

Age of Disability: On Living Well With Impaired Landscapes

On June 21 of 2021, the Tucson Airport Remediation Project (TARP), a twenty-seven-year-old water treatment facility, was shut down. The area’s municipal water company, Tucson Water, was facing the reality that the system was soon to be overwhelmed by chemicals it was not designed to treat.

Lux Magazine | Fall 2021

Our Animals, Ourselves: The Socialist Feminist Case for Animal Liberation (co-authored with Astra Taylor)

During the 2020 Academy Awards ceremony, Joaquin Phoenix made an unusual speech as he accepted the Oscar for Best Actor. Dressed in the requisite tuxedo, he expressed gratitude and praised the competition before launching into a monologue that broke the internet. For his allotted three minutes, Phoenix held forth about the world’s problems.

Dissent | Summer 2020

Solidarity Across Species

The destruction and exploitation of non-human life has forced different kinds of animals into closer and closer contact with each other, increasing the likelihood that viruses like COVID-19 will emerge.

Boston Review | May 28, 2020

What Would Health Security Look Like?

Nineteenth-century reformers understood the deep connections between public health and environmental protection. That’s why struggles for Medicare for All and a Green New Deal are two sides of the same coin.

The Johns Hopkins University Press | September 1, 2013

Vegans, Freaks, and Animals: Toward a New Table Fellowship

PDF Article, excerpted from Beasts of Burden published in American Quarterly, Volume 65, Number 3, September 2013, pp. 757-764 (Article)

Bomb Magazine | August 2, 2012

Drawing Attention: Sue Coe

Activists, artists, and animal-lovers Sunaura Taylor and Sue Coe sit down at Moo Shoes to discuss propaganda, animal rights, and Coe’s new book, Cruel.

Monthly Review | March 1, 2004

The Right Not to Work: Power and Disability

Nineteenth-century reformers understood the deep connections between public health and environmental protection. That’s why struggles for Medicare for All and a Green New Deal are two sides of the same coin.